Showing 8 Result(s)

dataslip futures

In collaboration with Alejandra Gómez Ortega, I worked on crafting hopeful speculative futures of how to take charge of our online personal data trail. Based on Alejandra’s speculative design dataslip and the responses to dataslip at events and in workshops with children, we highlighted five areas of opportunity for positive data futures. We then explored …

Practical Utopias

In the fall of 2022, I participated as a fellow in the online course Practical Utopias: An Exploration of the Possible, hosted by Margaret Atwood and Disco Learning. In this 8-week course with 200 diverse fellows from around the world, we immersed ourselves in building practical utopias: future societies to strive for, that are built …

Outpatient Clinic of the Future

The Outpatient Clinic of the Future is one of the main projects of my PhD work. In collaboration with Philips Experience Design and Catharina Hospital, we are working on reshaping how we think about personalised and preventive healthcare. Using patient data, we can personalise care experiences to be unique for each patient and accommodate their …

Handmaid’s Tale Pastiche

As part of an explorative phase at the beginning of my PhD project, I experimented with pastiche scenarios. The first year of my PhD largely took place during the global pandemic, which is why I used the COVID-19 vaccination campaigns as the topic of interest for these pastiche scenarios. I used the characters from Margaret …

Data Design Futures

As part of the 1st CHIIoT workshop in 2021, I presented a poster about what it means to design with the invisible material that is data. With the imminent ubiquity of data, the healthcare domain is turning to data to increase efficiency and effectiveness. Health data tracking in everyday life introduces challenges around user protection, …

ECO Village

with Next Nature Network Research has shown that while many people are willing to perform sustainable behaviour, a lot of good behaviour quickly wears off as it is hard to quickly see the impact of sustainable actions. People then drop out or quickly go back to old behaviours. To make sure that users of the …

Rain or reign?

with Caro Heesakkers and Naomi Kool One of the main reasons to invest in a smart home is to protect the family in the house. This protective role is now predominantly taken up by the (male) smart home guru in the household. This sometimes leads to toxic masculinity, as the protective role of the guru …


with Britta Schulte The worldwide population is ageing rapidly. This means that conditions related to old age, such as dementia, are becoming more common. 47 million people were living with dementia worldwide in 2016. This number is expected to increase to 131 million people by 2050.  Recent research into dementia and dementia care has focussed …